Why use a recruiter instead of doing it yourself?

3rd June 2024

Its true recruitment is expensive, the cost to advertise, the time it takes to sift through applications, contact candidates, and arrange interviews all costs money.

In fact, the average cost to hire these days is around £6000.

Not to mention the cost of employment, training, onboarding, and the time it takes to get your new recruit up to speed, which indecently over a six month period is nearly £40,000! So it pays to get it right from the start.

So why not use a recruiter?

A recruiter will essentially work for free for you and pay for all your advertising.

They will do all the donkey work, search the internet for you, headhunt key online sites like LinkedIn and scour their own candidate databases which have been painstakingly built up over years.

Not only that a recruiter will spend hours contacting people via email, telephone and text trying to land a few golden nuggets before setting up an interview prior to their introduction to you.

From a hirers perspective, it’s a no-brainer, it means you can get on with running your business without any financial risk…safe in the knowledge that your needs are being taken care of.

A good recruiter will keep you informed and manage your expectations especially if things are not going according to plan.

A good recruiter will want to find you the best fit for your business because if they are unsuccessful they don’t earn their fee to pay for their work, so you can be sure a good recruiter will work very hard on your behalf making it a win-win for everyone!

So the next time you are thinking about hiring a new member of staff, why not give the team at One to One a shout. We guarantee it will save you time and it will save you money!

Our office opening hours are Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm.

Give us a call
01702 46 44 44